“Teaching is not the mere imparting of knowledge but the cultivation of an inquiring mind.”
- We at TIMES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL focus on creating a “learning” institution which is energetic and constantly look forward for excellence to meet the needs of the present and future, while the child is not merely learning subject but also creating a value system.
- We are committed to achieve holistic development for our students. We have a diverse group of students and teachers who possess a definite perspective.
- We invest wisely in our human resources for the professional development of our staff who help students in achieving authentic learning opportunities that inspire them to develop creativity, confidence and resilient to become independent and ethical life-long learners.
- We value relationships and connections with the community. We encourage our students to develop respectful relationships with peers, teachers and the broader community. Our children are the future leaders and role models of the society.
Our Vision & Mission
OUR VISION :Times International School, Hassan aims to provide an international and gurukula standard quality education that will help its children evolve into global citizens. The school will focus on inculcating a sense of social responsibility and empathy for society by fostering in them the 4 Cs – Courage, Compassion, Character and Commitment.
OUR MISSION:To build the future of humanity by awakening and energising the mind, heart and soul.
To work towards holistic and integral development by instilling Simplicity and Service, Purity and Prayer.